Thursday, June 30, 2005

Vitamin C

I was on the way home after dinner yesterday with my fiancee (lets call her J) when she got an sms telling her that gingko biloba is good for memory and horsetail is great for skin and hair. Now, if you have not heard of the above stuff, you should hang out more often at Watson's or Guardian's supplements section. Yes its true. There's more to supplements than plain ol' vitamins A to Z. Alright, back to the topic...

So J leans over to me and says:

J: When we get home, I'm gonna take some EPO.. (thats evening primrose oil btw)
Me: You sure forget one after a few days... always also like that wan la you..
J: Where got? I everyday got take one la.

And that got me thinking. And thats unusual, cos I've never been much of a thinker all my life.

Me: Btw, there's a 'supplement' thats good for everything.
J: Wazzat?
Me: Vitamin C.
J: Flavettes?
Me: Vitamin Chocolate.

Yeah baby! Chocolate! The one thing in this world that's great for EVERYTHING... A chocolate a day, keeps the blues away. A chocolate a day, keeps the stress at bay. What more could you need?

My week's supply of happiness

You know, I've even read somewhere that having chocolates is akin to having sex. Great sex at that. And the plus side is, there's no STD risk involved. You can have it anytime, anywhere. You can have it in the kitchen, in the living room, hell, you can even have it in the office... in front of your boss. And your lady boss at that. And she's gonna wanna have it too! You can have it 3 times a day and nobody's gonna call you a maniac. And you don't even need to get your girl in the mood to have it. Now, is any one of you gonna disagree with me?

I've yet to come across anybody who doesn't like chocolates. J, she loves em. My bro, he loves em. I love em. And I don't care whether they're white or black (in this case dark); bars or balls; with nuts or without... as long as they're of the 'cukulek' family.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Mine's chocolate.


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damm...i gotta get me lots of chocs!

At 9:22 AM, Blogger CapArnabBrand said...

Yea baby... I was practically stuffing me mouth with 'em last night..

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the chocalate is so good, but not the EPO, why don't share it to your friends...

At 10:00 AM, Blogger chris said...

oi! apa nie makan sorang?!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger CapArnabBrand said...

cukulek saiz kecik, tak cukup mau share-share la.... lain kali la ye!!

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